Pineal Gland Activation

Learn how to connect to your Pineal Gland

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Have you ever wondered why some people seem more intuitive than you?

Would you love to have the answers to the questions you seek without the struggle and confusion?

Are you interested in spiritual and esoteric topics but many of the concepts are new to you?

This is your SIGN!!!

Sign up for this 4-week online, self-guided course to learn how to open your Pineal Gland to receive messages from spirit and your higher self.

Learn why your Pineal Gland gets calcified and how to decalcify it for optimal function.

Learn essential breathing techniques to further assist in the opening of your Pineal Gland.

Get practice tapping into your Higher Consciousness.

Get help and interact along the way with the creator/teacher of the course.

This course has been made with Love and Light to bring you everything you need to begin the process of opening your Pineal Gland.

Once your Pineal Gland is open, you will have access to information that was previously hidden.

If you want to remain behind the veil, DO NOT take this course.

This is only for those who desire to connect with their subconscious and get information from spirit.

Lessons in Release Limiting Beliefs (and finally feel free!):

  1. 1 Lesson 1

    Objective: I don't have enough time

  2. 2 Lesson 2

    Objective: I'm Too Old

  3. 3 Lesson 3

    Objective: Past Failure Means Future Failure

  4. 4 Lesson 4

    Objective: My Past Will Always Negatively Influence My Future

  5. 5 Lesson 5

    Objective: My Resources Are Limited

  6. 6 Lesson 6

    Objective: Lack of Major Progress = Failure

  7. 7 Lesson 7

    Objective: I Compare Myself to Others

  8. 8 Lesson 8

    Objective: Understanding Responsibility

  9. 9 Lesson 9

    Objective: Success is Your Birthright

  10. 10 Lesson 10

    Objective: I Am Good Enough

  11. 11 Lesson 11

    Objective: Are You an Over-giver?

  12. 12 Lesson 12

    Objective: So You Think You Can Do It All?

  13. 13 Lesson 13

    Objective: You Are Smart Enough

  14. 14 Lesson 14

    Objective: Just Do One Thing

  15. 15 Lesson 15

    Objective: Go Forth and Conquer

  16. 16 Thank you

    Objective: Personal Experience

  17. 17 Optional Quiz

Lessons in Chakra Alignment and Balancing:

  1. 1 Root Chakra

    Objective: Understanding how the root chakra becomes imbalanced and how to create alignment

  2. 2 Sacral Chakra

    Objective: Learn the signs and symptoms of Sacral Chakra imbalance how to bring it back into alignment

  3. 3 Solar Plexus Chakra

    Objective: Understand the importance of a balanced and aligned

  4. 4 Heart Chakra

    Objective: Learn the importance of the Heart Chakra to easily give and receive love

  5. 5 Throat Chakra

    Objective: Discover what blocks the throat chakra and learn how to align it for optimal health

Lessons in Aligned Living:

  1. 1 Week 1

    Objective: Understand the root chakra and begin to unfold the balancing of this chakra

  2. 2 Week 2

    Objective: Dive deeper into the root chakra and begin to grow your spiritual tool box

  3. 3 Week 3

    Objective: Learn how the solar plexus is all about feeling and creativity

  4. 4 Week 4

    Objective: Continue building on what you have learned so far

  5. 5 Week 5

  6. 6 Week 6

  7. 7 Week 7

  8. 8 Week 8

  9. 9 Week 9

  10. 10 Week 10

  11. 11 Week 11

  12. 12 Week 12

  13. 13 Week 13

Lessons in AO Scanning Challenge:

  1. 1 Day 1 - Adding new profile

    Objective: Create a new client profile

  2. 2 Day 2 - Adding Supplements

    Objective: Adding supplements and therapies

  3. 3 Day 3 - Spaces and Objects

    Objective: Understand spaces and objects

  4. 4 Day 4 - Pets and animals

    Objective: Adding pets/animals

  5. 5 Day 5 - Help and 3 bar info

    Objective: Finding Help

  6. 6 Day 6 - Quick Scan top section

    Objective: Learn about Quick scan

  7. 7 Day 7 - Quick scan Auras

    Objective: Quick scan middle section

  8. 8 Day 8 - Quick Scan Boosts

    Objective: Quick scan boost section

  9. 9 Day 9 - Microphone and microphone (+)

    Objective: Inner voice microphone vs microphone (+)

  10. 10 Lesson 10 - IV how to

    Objective: How to prepare for an inner voice scan

  11. 11 Day 11 - IV Pulse vs Classic

  12. 12 Day 12 - Pulse music

  13. 13 Day 13 - IV 12 Notes / Categories

About Traci Hill

Traci Hill is a Spiritual Activator and motivator to those who desire more in life.
She currently works as a Chicago Firefighter and a mom of 2.
Traci has a passion for helping people become unstuck. Whether to become healthier, remove emotional baggage or aid in relieving diseases and ailments, Traci is experienced in all aspects.

Traci has overcome symptoms due to Multiple Sclerosis through natural healing and emotional clearing.
Since her time in the Army and over 19 years with the Chicago Fire Dept, she has become accustomed to stress and understanding the mechanisms that create disease.

^Master's Degree - Kinesiology
^Certified Holistic Nutritionist
^Certified Personal Trainer
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